Thursday, January 21, 2010

Was the Big Bang created? How many universe's do you hold in just your own fingernail?

Carl Sagan stated that we may be an atom in the fingernail of a giant. With that logic, how many universe's do you hold in just your own fingernail?Was the Big Bang created? How many universe's do you hold in just your own fingernail?
Bad news for them, I have an itchy backside.

Edit: LOL@ Bruce, another fundie with zero idea about the big bang, it was a singularity, matter didn't come from nowhere, it came from the singularity LOL, E=MC^2, matter/energy cannot be destroyed. Only Christianity claims something came from nothing. I wonder where you get all this false information you are told?……Was the Big Bang created? How many universe's do you hold in just your own fingernail?
Yes, the Big Bang was created at the beginning of time. It cannot have been the product of prior natural causes because no time preceded the beginning of time, nor was there any matter or energy to cause the primordial explosion in which the universe came into existence.

Everything that comes into existence must have a cause. Since the Big Bang had no physical cause, the only other possibility is that it had a personal cause--the intentional act of an intelligence.

There are no universes in anyone's fingernail. However, there may be some dirt under there.


Ouch, that would cause a nasty burn.

But seriously, Carl Sagan's sentiments are quite beautiful. Though personally I tend to see us more as a grain of sand on an infinite continuum-beach extending into space and into time. Whether we live to be 18 or 81… there really is no difference of the Grand scale.

Sagan is just trying to remind us what many of the major religions try to remind followers as part of daily practice. For example, the most said phrase repeated throughout daily prayer translates to mean, “God is the Biggest.” Jews wear a head-topping cap as a reminder of the extent of their size relative to God.

To me, knowing one’s own insignificance in the big-picture is humbling, awe invoking, and educational. I embrace Sagan’s advice, and I share his love of cosmology. Through the lens he suggests enabled the creation of the modern Dominium model. I recommend all to check out this debate; weigh-in if you have evidence/logic against the new model. But most importantly tell others; if they try to dismiss this maverick filter, then dare them to present proof/reason to doubt the superiority of the Dominium account over the traditional rote of 70+ yr-old assumptions that are plagued with paradox between theory and physical evidence.

I am not afraid to debate anyone on these issues. Evidence is on the Dominium’s side and paradox is on the traditionalists’ side.

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