Monday, May 10, 2010

Is using a pair of regular fingernail clippers to trim a cats claws ok?

my uncles girlfriend said it's ok to trim a cats claws with fingernail clippers but i was told from somewhere that that isn't good for a cats claws that you should use trimmers especially for cats. So i was wondering who is right.Is using a pair of regular fingernail clippers to trim a cats claws ok?
there's a lot of answers on this, but i suggest you use cat clippers because you may hurt their toes if you don't do it properly.Is using a pair of regular fingernail clippers to trim a cats claws ok?
Although human nails contain the same material as cats claws the construction is different and the two require different trimming techniques.

Cats claws require a guillotine type cutter that won't crush the claw which can make it split. When a cats claw splits it does so right up to the 'quick' and that can be extremely painful for the cat. Some cats are more prone to this than others.

The whole debate is pointless in our house. In 40 years I have never trimmed or had to trim a cats claws. If the cat is an outdoor cat or has a proper scratching post nail trimming is unnecessary. The nail simply grows to a predetermined length and falls off anyway.
At the moment i have 13 cats and all have been clipped every few weeks with regular clippers for fingernails..the larger cats i find it easier to use the toenail clippers(please be careful i have enough exp to feel confident and very well behaved cats. I have been clipping nails on cats since 96 and have done over 45 different cats with no issues. 2 vets also recomended to use fingernail other told me to bring cat in monthly...yeahhhhhh

I think the clippers designed especially for cats is supposed to not ';crush'; their toenail as much or something, and they're pretty cheap, so there's no reason NOT to get one, but a human clipper will work too, if not quite as good.

I have cat nail clippers, but there have been times I've used human nail clippers (hey, if the cat climbs in your lap while you're doing your toes and you realize he needs a trim too, you just go for it!) and nothing bad happens. I do think it leaves a sharper edge than the cat clippers do, though.
You shouldn't if you can avoid it, but I guess you could. Just be VERY careful... Cats have blood vessels in their claws that do not clot easily. Not only would your cat be in A LOT of pain, the blood would be hard to stop and it poses a serious threat to blood-loss. If you own a cat, I HIGHLY suggest buying a pair of kitty claw trimmers. They will run you anywhere from $5-$15 unless you look for expensive automatic ones like the ';Pedi-Paws'; thing or whatever.
That's what we always reach for.

I think that they had loops for your finger and thumb, regular clippers might be the perfect things to clip cat's claws with.

If they weren't so likely to slip when you are positioning them, before clipping, they would be great - that's were the loops would come in.
Nooooo, do not use nail clippers for cats!!!! They can splinter the claw and cause damage to the vein and nerves that run down the claw.

Use proper cats claw-clippers. Always make sure not to cut them too far up, or they will bleed. Its sort of obvious that if they bleed, they hurt. If you care enough to clip your cats claws, then you likely care if you're hurting it.
No. NEVER use regular fingernail clippers on cats. If you use them it might pinch the skin UNDERNEATH the nails and cause them great pain. Nevertheless, how could you be able to do it anyways, the nails are curved, unlike the nailclippers.
Well I had the same question so I called my vet and she told me to use toenail clippers on my cat. So I had my boyfriend do it and it worked just be careful and don't cut them to short because it will cause your cat to be in pain.
It's best to use cat clippers made especially for cats' claws. Their claws are different than our fingernails and require something a little different. Hope this answers your question!
Maybe you should call your vet and ask him/her what kinds of things to use to cut cats claws. He/ She will know what to use.
YES u can use them but don;t go to far to make them bleed i would suggest not cutting them at all they will fall out when they get to long and they will grow back.

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